MPR Features Jim Gill Regarding Minnesota Crop Conditions

Gill speaks to MPR regarding how the wet fall conditions affect crops, ability of farmers to execute harvest

Jim Gill, president of Gill Ag Consulting, recently spoke with Mark Steil of MPR News about how the recent rash of thunderstorms and constant, periodic rains have affected Minnesota crops and the ability of farmers to prevent yield loss in the face of significant harvesting obstacles.

According to the most recent crop progress report released by the Minnesota field office of the United States Department of Agriculture, there were only 2.9 suitable fieldwork days for the entire week of October 1 - 7. Although there is currently a 37% surplus in topsoil moisture in the state, the corn harvest is currently 13 days ahead of the 5-year average, while the soybean harvest is only 3 days behind the average.

Speaking to Steil, Gill stressed that if the poor weather continues, growers could fall behind on the harvest and the crops could run the risk of being exposed to disease and rot. As corn stalks weaken due to this rot, they become more susceptible to collapsing and forfeiting quality grain.

Even with a dismal three-day forecast calling for more unwelcome rain across much of the state, the extended forecast paints a much more optimistic picture, calling for dry conditions much of next week.

“We now have an opportunity to make up lost ground and move quickly to harvest the crops and maximize our opportunity with these quality yield numbers we are seeing” said Gill.

Make sure to check out the full article, “Wet Weather Worries Minnesota Farmers.”


Gill Agricultural Consulting, Inc. is a Minnesota-based crop consulting firm that focuses on providing timely, precise and unbiased recommendations to help clients maximize yields while minimizing costs. Celebrating a 30-plus year history of proven results and helping local growers succeed, Gill Ag Consulting remains on the cutting edge of agronomy, soil science and crop production techniques.